the event is held

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,an
bonorum partiendo sit. Ne alia
graecis sit.


happy customer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,an
bonorum partiendo sit. Ne alia
graecis sit.

We make your
event special and perfect!

With a large and diverse space, diners will experience a professional service, high-class
dishes, and a private space to meet the number of diners from 1 to 100 people in the same
dining room.Basilico goal is to bring a complete experience to customers in a standard but
cozy space.
  • Ut et turpis efficitur, volutpat est ac
  • Integer in augue a orci dapibus hendrerit
  • Curabitur venenatis arcu vel dignissim tristique
where to start your event

private dining room

Morbi id nisl ut dolor fringilla accumsan eu eu massa. Aliquam ornare, nunc sed
convallis pellentesque, sem ante accumsan diam, eu convallis justo ex ac diam.
Phasellus sed efficitur ex. Maecenas egestas laoreet.

birthday party
work meeting


What do customers say?

Good restaurant, delicious food, classy atmosphere
Thank you very much for all your hard work, the outstanding meals and fantastic service. The guests at our wedding were very impressed with you
all and many have told us it was the best food they have had at a wedding in a long time. Jack and I are so thankful.
All the best for your future endeavours and again, thank you very much.
Margaret - Food critic
Good restaurant, delicious food, classy atmosphere
Thank you very much for all your hard work, the outstanding meals and fantastic service. The guests at our wedding were very impressed with you
all and many have told us it was the best food they have had at a wedding in a long time. Jack and I are so thankful.
All the best for your future endeavours and again, thank you very much.
Margaret - Food critic
Good restaurant, delicious food, classy atmosphere
Thank you very much for all your hard work, the outstanding meals and fantastic service. The guests at our wedding were very impressed with you
all and many have told us it was the best food they have had at a wedding in a long time. Jack and I are so thankful.
All the best for your future endeavours and again, thank you very much.
Margaret - Food critic

enjoy chinese cuisine,
for your special event.

Donec tincidunt orci eget euismod luctus. Aenean ut euismod leo, sit amet
scelerisque nunc. Donec nec magna iaculis, placerat magna a, facilisis velit
Praesent luctus venenatis facilisis.
get directons


Etiam sapien mi, posuere at augue ac, egestas sollicitudin
nisl. Nullam est odio, condimentum nec purus.

discovery galley

our photo exhibition